Floret Coalition: Meet The Board

Meet The Floret Coalition board members, Maya, Mennlay and Kassia! Their insights will steer the Coalition’s donations to organizations serving a spectrum of needs in Black, Latinx, and Indigenous communities.

Maya Shaw is a cannabis advocate based in Richmond, Virginia. In 2018, Maya founded Shaw., a platform that originally served as an online smoke shop featuring women-identifying and LGBTQIA artists. Today, Shaw. works to combat the war on drugs and pushes for equity and justice within the cannabis industry for Black and Latinx communities. @shop_shaw


Mennlay Golokeh Aggrey is a 15-year interdisciplinary cannabis professional, working in the legalized markets since 2005. She currently resides in Mexico City, where her work explores cannabis and the diasporic connections between Africa and Latin America. She is the co-founder and creative director of Xula Wellness , the co-host of Broccoli Talk podcast , and the founder of a benefit pop-up dinner, Cenas sin fronteras. @mennlay


Kassia Graham has two decades of experience working with diverse organizations, including Fortune 100 companies, boutique agencies, non-profits, and influencers. A two-time cancer survivor, Kassia understands the importance of cannabis as a physical and mental healing aid. She is the Director of National Projects and Social Media for Cannaclusive. @msgoodegg


Supernova Women


Cannabis for Black Lives