Meet The Team: Anel Nurzhanov

Anel Nurzhanov

Washington Flex Team
Hometown: Auburn, WA


When was your first, last or favorite time being stoned?
My favorite time to be stoned is at the beach

What’s your favorite way to get baked?
My favorite way to get baked is either a blunt or a dab rig, especially if it's in the morning. No better way to start the day!

When the munchies kick in, what do you reach for?
I always need to have chocolate, sour gummy worms, and potato chips on deck.

If you could have a sesh with anyone - dead or alive - who would it be?
Man, super hard question, probably Seth Rogan and Aubrey Plaza. The conversations would be a great mix of funny, interesting, and straight up weird.

The best activity to do stoned is…
to pop in my headphones and cruise on my longboard.

What song sets your smoke sesh vibe?
The song that sets my smoke sesh would be Moltisanti Blues by Dillon Cooper. Feeling stressed? Light up a joint and throw that song on, I promise you'll be nodding your head along and feeling your mood elevate.

Which Journeyman Jelly is your favorite?
My favorite Journeyman Jelly would be the strawberries from the Berries 1:1 pack. Takes care of the sweet tooth and as an added treat, relaxes the hell out of you.

What does cannabis do for you?
Cannabis helps relax me and become more comfortable with myself. When I find my mind become restless, I smoke a joint, throw on a comedy, and just be in the moment. I've also had great, meaningful conversations over a blunt.


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