Asian Pacific Environmental Network: Building the Power of Immigrant & Refugee Communities

Photo courtesy of APEN4EJ

Photo courtesy of APEN4EJ

For May, the Floret Coalition’s 130+ members are supporting @apen4ej. Asian Pacific Environmental Network is an environmental justice organization with deep roots in California’s Asian immigrant and refugee communities. They focus on fighting and winning campaigns to make their communities healthier, just places where people can thrive.

“Our communities are stronger than the crises that threaten us.  Together, we’re building a world where all people have the resources they need to live full, dignified lives.”

Donations make it possible to reach more people on the front lines of fighting climate change and displacement. With your support, APEN can call more voters, organize more events, and expand their coalition-building and policy advocacy in the Bay Area and across California. Please join us in supporting their work this month!

Want to join the Floret Coalition’s efforts to give back to Black, Latinx, and Indigenous communities? Learn more by getting in touch with Broccoli Mag. Thank you to the Floret board (@mennlay, @shop_shaw, @msgoodegg) for highlighting this month’s organization.


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