Journeyman Day of Service, Celebrating Our Earth This 420

Photos by Keti Chikhladze

The day before 420 is usually spent at the Botanica facility getting things ready for our favorite weedy holiday. This year we prepped a little differently and kicked off the first official Journeyman Day of Service. Along with the fine folx at The Reef and The Common Acre we hit up Arcade Plaza (or to locals Pac-Man Park) to give our earth a little love this Earth Day.

Together we restored the park, which meant installing new chair & table bases, picking up trash, restoring ping-pong tables The Reef had installed last summer, plant & soil maintenance - and of course in true Journeyman fashion wrapped up with a little tie-dye!

The Day of Service started as our belief in the undeniable right to live a free and uncomplicated life. We’re on this journey to radical change and we think it’s cool to be kind - to our environment, to each other and to ourselves. Community, connection and collaboration are at our core and the Journeyman Day of Service is our way of saying thank you to mother earth and the incredible cannabis plant.

We can’t wait for the next Journeyman Day of Service! The more the merrier – if you’re a retailer, organization or volunteer who would like to get involved please reach out:


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