Couch Sesh with HelloDoubleDipp

We sat down for a couch sesh with Kate Barnett aka HelloDoubleDipp the queen of color and creator of some of the grooviest hand painted totes we’ve seen. With the help of some jellies and joints we talked creativity, fashion, freelancing and more. Catch up on the sesh below!

JOURNEYMAN Tell us a little bit about your creative did those fabulous totes come to be?

KATE The tote bag designs started on a cozy Sunday trip. I was cleaning out a closet, as we do during Covid times. I discovered my tote collection had grown so large and decided to paint one to match my outfit for an outdoor movie date. I brought my bag out with me and within seconds people were asking me about it – which I was not expecting; the attention to my bag was a shock but very exciting. Within a couple days of wearing it, a handful of people asked me to make them one and boom! I was a bag making factory! It was such a great gift during Covid times, how lucky is it to make money making art?!

JOURNEYMAN How does cannabis play a role in your creative process?

KATE I have smoked and ate cannabis for a long time! It helps with not only my art, but my life in general. I love how focused and in the moment it promotes me to be. I feel lucky to have cannabis in my life, it’s such a gift. Once gummies and chocolates became available it changed my world! Taking small amounts without having to smoke really promoted a regulated dose that made for one smooth ride. Not too high, not too low – just flowing.

JOURNEYMAN We quickly learned you’re not only a talented artist, but a photographer, stylist, and tarot reader as well – is there anything you can’t do?! Really though, you are a true freelance dream, how did you get into such a range of work?

KATE I have always done anything and everything I wanted to do. If I was curious about something, I would at least give it a shot. Through any artistic avenue you learn so much about what you don't like and what really makes your heart sing. I love creating art in all mediums, it just depends on the season. Dance in the summer, write in the winter kind of thing. So long as I’m alive I will create.

JOURNEYMAN You also pulled some cards for Journeyman, which was really enlightening – how do you integrate your spirituality into life as an artist?

KATE I have been diving into different types of spiritual work since I can remember. The more I learn about different practices, the more I add to my own rituals. My spirituality side is a bit private, not sure why, I’m not a private person. Maybe it’s just hard to explain.

JOURNEYMAN We love your incredibly fun paintings, where do you find inspiration for your artwork?

KATE My inspiration comes from all over the place! The beautiful colorful world inspires me everyday. Just depends on what catches my eye.

JOURNEYMAN What’s your go to dose when you’ve got artist’s block? Do you have any special tricks to get the creative juices flowing?

KATE I normally have 5mg – little bit at a time....I’m a bit of a light weight. I normally have half a gummy when I need a little boost and the other half a couple hours later.

JOURNEYMAN You’ve got one the coolest senses of style we’ve seen to date – who/what are some of your biggest influences?

KATE I love the 80’s and 90’s! I was a big hiphop sneakerhead growing up. Once you get into that world you never really get out of it. I love bold colors and patterns – I love the circus and treat the street as my stage. Step out onto the street like it’s center stage! Feeling good in my fashion and making people smile is a daily practice.

JOURNEYMAN What’s the ultimate munchie when you’re stoned?

KATE I’m a candy freak and a popcorn gurl! I love my movie snacks with a soda water on deck!

JOURNEYMAN What are you currently working on?

KATE I’m working on my website and web store! Been designing new bags, clothes and paintings! @Hellodoubledipp on insta, I’ll post website updates there should be up and running in the next month!


Head to @HelloDoubleDipp to see more of Kate’s artwork or order your custom tote!


Doing something rad? Have a unique skill? Just want to chat?
Hit us up – we want to couch sesh with you!


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